
Black Label

Artiest | Band / Rock /

Black Label is een hardrock band met een in-your-face, explosieve stage act. Geinspireerd door Guns ‘N Roses, The Pretty Reckless, en Halestorm maakt deze band al jaren de nationale en internationale podia onveilig. In januari 2017 is het tweede album van Black Label uitgekomen: United In Black.

Janine Willms: zang
Marnix van Agtmaal: gitaar
Yentl Brandt: bas
Maurits Colen: drums

Black Label (2014)
United In Black (2017)

“This band is born to bring you a delicious and accessible sounding combination of hardrock and heavy metal. 8.3/10”
Pitkings, Anton Riemersma, Chief Editor & Founder

“Black Label play a brand of classic Hard Rock which reminds of better days. One can directly see they are born for this! The discovery of the day!”
Metalchroniques (FR)

“Having heard this EP, they do sure blow ya mind! (…) Fronted by powerhouse vocals, the band offers Rock/Metal with attitude! 8.5/10”
Dave Smith (UK) – Ravenheart Records



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